Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New Additions to Maria Mitchell Personal Library

The Personal Libraries Library is proud to announce four recent acquisitions to the Maria Mitchell Personal Library. They include Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Aurora Leigh (the main character is rumored to be based on Margaret Fuller, another author in Mitchell's library.) While traveling in Florence, Italy in 1858, Mitchell wanted very much to meet Barrett Browning; she had the perfect introduction in the form of a book from a mutual friend. Yet, Mitchell was too shy (or proper) to call unannounced and left the book on Barrett Browning's stoop. This story is beautifully recounted in Bergland's Maria Mitchell and the Sexing of Science (Beacon Press).

Also acquired is this beautiful copy of Sarah K. Bolton's Lives of Girls Who Became Famous. This book includes essays about Maria Mitchell, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Margaret Fuller (Ossoli), Madame de Stael, Louisa May Alcott and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. The final sentence of the discussion on Maria Mitchell states, "She is an honor to her sex, a striking example of what a quiet country girl can accomplish without money or fortuitous circumstances."

Two other new acquisitions are On the Connection of the Physical Sciences by Maria Somerville (this purchase was made possible by PLL member Palmarin Merges) and Poems by Bret Harte.

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